Friday, April 17, 2009

'Fess Up Friday

This week was awful. It didn't just suck, it su-uuuucked! Despite the beauty of Emma's birthday, baptism, and Easter, I could feel myself all messed up come Monday morning. I weighed myself and discovered that I had GAINED a pound over the weekend. What??? I was not happy. Somehow, intense stress, chocolate and jelly beans are not conducive to my weightloss program. I didn't get a chance to workout on Monday because we took a day trip to Billings to take my MIL back to the airport, but I tried to kick my booty by doubling my workouts the rest of the week. Ugh.

I also was upset because today I officially have two weeks left of my Power 90. I'm about to be lighter than I've been in YEARS and be 30 lbs lighter than I was the day we moved to Montana just over a year ago. But, I've been secretly hoping that I'd be much closer to my goal weight. I'm not. I still have quite a way to go. I remembered today that I was hoping to do the P90X after I finished the old Power 90 to get me the rest of the way to my goal, but we went to Disneyland and I have no money to buy the program. Grr... So, I've been a bit down this week. I have to remind myself of the good stuff: Pete (my brother) was shocked to see how much weight I've lost. Granted, last time he saw me I was bigger than a hot air balloon, but still, that made me happy. Also, I did still lose a pound this week (2, actually if you count my 1 lb gain) and 1/2" off both my waist and hips. It's working. It's just slow.

Here's my new mantra:
It took me more than a day to gain the weight. It'll take me more than a day to lose it.

If I'm honest with myself, it took me about eight years to gain the weight and keep it. It's taken me 76 days to lose about half of that weight. I'm trying to convince myself that good things are happening. I'm just way too impatient.

How'd you do?


colds1 said...

The weight loss process just sucks. It is so emotional and frustrating sometimes. But you have come so far and that is WONDERFUL! The amount of weight you've lost is to be applauded! You are losing at a healthy rate and making your body stronger in the process. Keep at it and you'll see your goal. Shoot, you have 5 more months to your birthday and you'll totally hit your goal by then!

Mrs. Bennett said...

You are doing great! You should be so proud of yourself. I haven't done ANY type of workout since having Jackson, unless you count walking him around in the stroller. Way to go you!

Celine said...

You're doing awesome Shelly, don't be too hard on yourself! ;)

Kayleen said...

Shelly, I think that you are amazing! I know that it stinks when the weight loss slows. I did Weight Watchers two years ago, and was not so happy that I was only down almost a pound a week. I have kept off what I lost there. I quit though when I hit a plateau, and couldn't get off of it. So far you are far above my trying level! Keep it up! As for me this week was recovery week, and I didn't work very hard. (maybe that is why I am not getting the weight off very fast) Anyway, back to work next week. I love the P90X, but it is expensive, and I hope that you can get it soon! Tell your family you want it for an early birthday present, and have them all go in on it!