Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Google, Anyone?

Tonight I was catching up a little on my Saturday Night Live fix and watched the episode from last week or the week before with Zac Efron as the guest host. They did a sketch parodying the Today Show with Kathie Lee Gifford and some lady I never heard of before I saw the sketches on SNL. Anyway, Kathie Lee (played perfectly by Kristen Wiig) mentioned that before she started on the Today Show she was just sitting at home Googling herself. I laughed, thinking how vain and weird that is, but truthfully, I've done it before!!

While attending college, if you Googled "Shelly Johnson" on the Images tab, I came up on the first page a few different times. Thanks to a couple of good friends who did all of the theatre's and college's publicity, I got my picture in the paper quite often. But, the lime light has begun to fade and my Image is now on the fifth page. Yes, I checked it again tonight.

That's me in the background for a photo for Dead Man. My brother JC played the bad guy and I was the nun.

So, now, I dare you. Do it. Google yourself. Are you out there? Are you in the Web or Images? It's okay. A little vanity and curiosity are okay. I won't tell!


Lori said...

Honestly, I've never even thought of googling myself. There's probably nothing there anyway.

Seeing the picture of JC really makes me miss him. I'm glad I get to see him next month.

colds1 said...

I made the first page, but it was only because my name is listed on (I haven't looked there in years) and for the CHS reunion page. There is some Alaskan artist with my name and she monopolizes most of the results. I did find a couple of lame posts my SIL has made in Internet World.

When I was working, I was more prevalent (yes, I've Googled myself before) and the Alaskan lady actually emailed me as a result. I thought it was odd.

Jabon said...

Ya, google my name... Tons of stuff out there. I have googled you before Shelly and I guess you are old news as your pictures have slipped back a few spots!