Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Springtime in Montana

I love springtime. The grass is green. The trees are budding. The flowers are blooming. It's beautiful.

But that's the stereotypical idea of spring. (This picture is of Norway, not Montana.) Here's our reality:

So, we've gotten six inches of snow so far. We've already had about three or four power outages. The snow storm warning is in effect until 6am Thursday morning. That's not tomorrow. Tomorrow is Wednesday.

Plus, Millie has a runny nose and possibly an ear infection. Poor baby can barely eat without crying. When she's not hungry she's in great spirits, though.


Jabon said...

I'll have you know that when I saw the first picture, I was reaching for the car keys. But when I saw the snow... well I put my feet on my desk and thought of the 75 degree morning we are having! Sorry to hear Millie is sick. Ashton is coughing again as well so we will see where that goes.

Lori said...

Poor Millie! (and Ashton!) It's always terrible to hear that babies are sick. The only snow on the ground here is in the shadows that just won't melt. I'm so glad it's not as bad as where you are! With the lack of snow here, we'll probably have lots of fires though.

colds1 said...

Six inches is crazy! It looks a lot like that first picture here today! Not that I would rub that in or anything. You guys have to warm up and get all green before I bring my kiddos up to see you!

Tara Bennett said...

YUCK! to the weather and the sickness. Our weather here has been hit and miss, but nothing that dramatic! April (snow) showers bring May flowers???? Let's hope so for your sake!!!

Unknown said...

and that my dear, is another reason we moved from Montana and now live in Oregon. The weather is great! Pack up and come visit!

Tara Dawn said...

Makes me grateful we are in AZ. Course, in another month or two, I'll be wishing for MT!

Glad you got Millie into the doc today and I hope she starts feeling better soon!