Saturday, January 17, 2009

Random Thoughts from the Day

Thought Number 1

Ever notice how Julia Roberts walks kind of like a man? She has this manish saunter that doesn't fit her look--you'd expect a seductive, slinky walk, but it's not. Mind you, I have nothing against Julia. I'll happily watch her movies, but she just has a non-sexy walk. I've determined that I have this same sort of walk when I wear my big ol' snowboots. I've been wearing them for a few months now, since the snow and ice started. I'm still wearing them although the January thaw has melted most of the snow, but my regular boots aren't waterproof and I haven't gotten around to buying new ones. I think we all know from previous posts how excited I get when I need new clothes. Now if I could only emulate Julia Robert's waist size...

Thought Number 2

Today Josh and I had lunch at 3-Ds. It's one of my favorite local places. It's got a great Mongolian BBQ. Anyway, on the walls are all of these ads from papers dated the late 1950s. It advertises Dining, Drinking, and Dancing (the 3 Ds). There are all of these acts that they promote to perform three times a night. There's even one ad for Family Night, which included the entertainment. It makes me wonder what the place was like fifty years ago. Now the neighborhood it's in looks rundown and pretty ghetto. But it still has a HUGE neon sign above it that you can see from across the river that says "3-D". It's really cool and I don't know if it was in place way back when. I'd just really love to know what the place was once like. Looks like I should do some research.

Thought Number 3

Do you remember "Goat Boy" on SNL? It was a skit done by Jim Breuer and he was half-man half-goat and bleated in the middle of his sentences. If I could find a clip, I'd add it here, but I can't. Oh well. Anyway, I think of this character a few times a day because Millie has begun making this same baby-bleating noise. I think it's a precursor to baby-babbling, but for now it just sounds like she's our little "Goat Girl." Am I a bad parent for thinking that?

Thought Number 4
Josh and I went to see Paul Blart: Mall Cop. It was pretty funny. I liked it. I just wish movies weren't so predictable. Maybe slasher films are less predictable, but I don't like those kinds of movies despite the fact that I grew up watching crime dramas (who doesn't love Raymond Burr?). I'm definitely not saying to avoid Mall Cop, but it follows the typical Lovable Loser Turns Hero mantra. Oh well. I couldn't write them any better, so who am I to complain?


Tara Bennett said...

So much to say, but need to go to bed.

Julia to saunter strangely, doesn't she? The girl on the latest 'What Not to Wear' also needed to work on her walk. I think it's ok to saunter in a manly way when wearing snow boots. I can't imagine large snow boots being accompanied by a sexy walk. Just sayin.

I don't know goat boy, but have a sneaky feeling I would enjoy him.

I KNOW I would love the 3D's restaurant.

I love any movie or TV show that involves a segway. Even if it is predictable. Are you an Arrested Development fan?

Lori said...

James and I were going to go see Paul Blart on Sat. But, he fell asleep. That's what I get for one of his only days off. I'm glad it's funny though. More incentive to go see it.

I never did notice how Julia walks. Now that I think about it, it gives her more of a humanly quality instead of a super star have everything deal. I do like a lot of her good rated movies.

Millie is sounding more and more adorable every day. I can't wait to see you guys and go to 3D's again. It is pretty good.