Friday, April 10, 2009

'Fess Up Friday

Did you know you can buy sugar-free cough medicine? It's true, you can. Just thought I'd share.

This week I worked out, but we went to my favorite temptation restaurant yesterday--Johnny Carino's. Oh, it's sooooo good! It's better than Olive Garden. I swear if I had served a mission for our church I probably would've been sent to Italy and then come home 150 lbs bigger. Mmmmm...pasta. And bread. And sauce. Ahhh... The good news is that I ate half of my entree, I didn't gorge myself! Go, me!

In result news, I only lost 1.6 lbs, which bummed me out a bit since I was averaging a full 2 lbs a week. I know less than 1/2 a pound shouldn't be that big a deal, but my inches hadn't moved much over the last several weeks. Fortunately, those inches have begun to move again. I lost a total of 2 1/2 inches this week. Finally!! In fact, I need to go buy myself a new pair of jeans a size smaller. Yes! I'm not quite in single digit sizes yet, but I'm sooo much closer. My underwear are too big (TMI, but I'm happy about it) and all this was discovered this morning after several weeks of wondering if my inches were ever going to change again. Hurrah! (That was more of an Army Hurrah than a Hooray Hurrah.)

How'd you do?


Tara Dawn said...

I am so happy for you!!! Great job!

I exercised only once this week. I'm trying to fit it in, but it's a little tiring in this school semester. I will stop nursing Ashton soon, and then I am hoping (operative word) to actually diet and exercise more, since I don't have to worry about minimum calories and yadda yadda yadda.

P.S. I hope you guys really have a great weekend. It's never off my mind lately. I will call to talk to the birthday girl on Sunday. Tell me a good time.

Kayleen said...

Great for you Shelly! you are working much harder than me. I had every intention of working hard this week, and had a friend or two with life crisis happening, and that didn't help at all. I told my friend that was having a major crisis that I didn't care how bad her week was next week, we were working out hard! we will see how it goes...

Lori said...

AHHHHH..... Italian food!! I love pasta too. Needless to say that I haven't really worked out in a while. I really should get back in that habit. I'm so glad you are doing so good. Right now I'm living through you!

Jabon said...

Good job Shelly!
I also dig pasta a bit too much.
This semester has killed my running habit I started again. Maybe next semester will be easier and I can get back to it.

Celine said...

I did pretty good this week! :)
WW has been doing wonderful things for me lately!
Oh and I have started to work out regularly on my Wii and that helps as well! ;)
Go you Shelly, you can do it!