Monday, January 5, 2009

"Grade A" Checkup

Today we took Matt to the cardiologist for his semi-annual heart check-up. After a physical exam and echo-cardiogram, the doctor proclaimed this check up as "Grade A." That's always good news.
It's funny how some things change and others don't. Since Millie's birth, Matt has taken on the role of big brother. I was a bit nervous about this, but he's done a great job getting into his new place in our family. My favorite thing he does is sing to her. He makes up his own songs and they include words like, "Sleep, Millie, I'll take care of you." It's the sweetest thing!
But as well as he's done to become a big brother, today's doctor's appointment reminded me that he's still a little boy. As he laid on the medical bed thing for the echo, he stayed very still like a good boy, but eventually held his hand out toward Josh and me. I realized what he was doing. He wanted me to hold his hand. Since Millie's come along, Matt just looks like a big kid. I used to see him as a little boy, but now he's obviously a large boy. But that doesn't mean he doesn't need his mommy and daddy sometimes. He's such a good boy. I happily held his hand and I could see the comfort overcome him.
Anyway, he's healthy and happy. The doctor says we hope to get another six years (at least) out of this valve. That would be great. The longer it takes to have to replace it, the fewer surgeries he should need in his life. His next check up will be sometime around his birthday in June and then we may even go to annual checkups instead of twice a year. Good news!


Tara Bennett said...

Yay! What a great way to start the new year! A new healthy baby and an A grade for Matt. Perfect!!!

Tara Dawn said...

I am so grateful to hear that Matt's valve is holding up and doing it's job so well. Your description of him was so sweet and made my eyes tear up!

Celine said...

YAY Matt!
That's such great news! I'm thrilled for you guys!

Jabon said...

WOW! this is good news!