Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bad Timing

Tonight Josh and I discovered that we're becoming some of those people: "What are the carbs in that?" "How many grams of fat are there?" "We are never eating fast food again!" This was bad timing.

A couple of months ago the news announced that the very first Sonic to open up in Montana is coming to Great Falls. It's going to be just down the street from the hospital, not far from Mom and Dad's house. Why did we have to give up fast food and ice cream? Come April (supposedly) our greatest temptation will be wafting the sweet smell of burgers and ice cream in our general direction. Good thing they have Diet Cherry Limeades.

The Sonic commercials are the best. Even though there is no Sonic here yet, the commercials still play here, thank goodness. Every time a new commercial comes on the entire room goes silent as everyone stops and stares at the television. My favorite is the couple. (By the way, Cindy, I always think of Kevin when the commercials for the couple come on.) But I also love the two guys. They are the same guys that have a cameo in Stranger Than Fiction. If you haven't seen it, you should rent it. Anyway, now there's the mom and son. No matter which group is on the commercial I still laugh.


colds1 said...

Can I tell you how thrilled Kevin is to have yet another blog compare him to the Sonic guy? Hee hee As long as I don't look like the wife, it's all good by me!

colds1 said...

Oh and Kevin would so be sleeping on the couch of we were to have that conversation in the video!

Tara Dawn said...

I haven't seen that one-that's funny!

Tara Bennett said...

I love the Sonic commercials! Heck, I love Sonic. Do you know the dirty little secret? Happy Hour (aka 1/2 off on drinks) is from 2-4 pm. You better believe that I go at least once a week for my Diet Cherry Limeade fix. Oh, and I buy ice there too. It's pure heaven. *sigh* Sonic.....

Celine said...

Ahhh Sonic...I wish we had in France!
It used to be one of my favorite spot back in the days!
Yum! Now I'm starving! hahaha!

Lori said...

That one is a funny one! We don't go there that often here. Although we do have one. I think once your body gets used to not having the fast food, you don't want it that often. That's what happened to me. So there's hope left! Just stick to it! YOU CAN DO IT!!!