Wednesday, February 25, 2009

In The Spotlight: Emma

I've begun putting my digital pictures on my new laptop. Along the way I finally found the computer program that will play snippets of video captured on the photo camera. Before now I couldn't figure out how to open these videos, but now I can and I'm SO HAPPY! Also, we got our new printer/scanner so I began scanning our printed pictures. I'm so addicted to this that it is not even funny. My sleep suffers worse from the scanner than from our infant daughter.

Emma, 2001

Anywhoo...Matt and Millie have both had spotlights, I thought it was time to introduce the world to the older girls. Tonight we'll begin with Emma.

Josh and me with Emma at The Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs

Emma has been vocal since the day she was born. Not much of a crier, but the day after her first word I believe she said something like, "Mother, dear, I hope I am not troubling you too much if I shall ask you for a bit of a drink." (An English accent is required to read that sentence.)

Not only is she bright and an ideal student (when she's not talking to her friends), but she's also a bit of a drama queen. She wears the title proudly. I think this might have something to do with the fact that she spent so much of her early childhood hanging out at a theatre. She ran in and out of the Green Room. She sat and watched rehearsals and performances. She even watched and commented on our auditions. The cutest thing was when she'd stand up and say, "I'm Emma Johnson and I'll be singing, 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.'" She'd also stand up and announce, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Please turn off your cellphones." She behaved better in the theatre than she did at church.

The Bailey Family in Wonderful Life. Emma is peeking through the stair rail.

Emma (and Abby both) appeared in A Christmas Carol and Emma played Zuzu Bailey in It's a Wonderful Life, nearly stealing the show at the end with her line, "Teacher says, 'Every time a bell rings an angel gets its wings.'"

This clip was recorded a few weeks ago. I have no idea where she got this from. She's quite a performer.


Tara Bennett said...

LOL. That clip made me totally giggle. Looks like we've got another stage lovin drama queen on our hands! =)

Celine said...

I loved that clip! Priceless!
I think we have a new actress in the works! ;)

Jabon said...

That was priceless. Glad you got that on video. Something like that NEEDS to be brought up in her dating years!

Merinda Reeder said...

You brought Emma as an infant to our 5-year reunion. She was quite possibly the most beautiful baby I've ever seen in my life, even including my own. She was charming and happy and coquettish with the creamiest skin, the most round perfect cheeks, beautiful eyes and eyelashes, etc.
I felt a little guilty ooohing over Emma and not saying a word about Jana's colicky baby. But what's a mere mortal next to a dream like that?

Lori said...

We all knew from her infancy that she was a good performer!!! Always in the spotlight. And good at it too!! Look out Shell, she's following your footsteps!!!

Lori said...

We all knew from her infancy that she was a good performer!!! Always in the spotlight. And good at it too!! Look out Shell, she's following your footsteps!!!

Tara Dawn said...

She is definitely a crack up! I am sooooo bummed we can't be there for her birthday and baptism! She is such a beautiful girl, inside and out.