Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Lemonade Award

I received this great award from my friend Celine. Thanks for thinking of me, Celine!! I'm supposed to tag ten people, but I'm going to be a bit unorthodox and say this: If you're reading this, consider yourself tagged!! Pretty much, anyone with a blog that reads this, I read your blog as well. Cheating and a bit of a cop-out, but that's how it's going for me today.

But, I really very highly recommend that you check out Celine's blog.

She's a former exchange student from France, currently living in Paris and is willing to answer questions any non-Parisians may have about France and Europe. I'm finding this

very fascinating since I've ALWAYS wanted to go to Europe, France and Italy especially.
I thought it was appropriate to talk about Celine after showing Emma's video about living "Months and months in France." I showed her the video and she said, "Oh, that's so embarrassing!" Little does she know that she's got YEARS to make more embarrassing memories.

1 comment:

Celine said...

Awww thank you Shelly! :)
You rock! ^^
I knew Emma would get embarrassed if you mentioned me! LOL
Tell her bonjour from me!