Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Big Ol' Fat Tuesday

Today is Mardi Gras--the real one. Fat Tuesday is upon us and I am in the middle of reminiscing my childhood living in New Orleans. Again, I'm without a picture. I searched, though. I found pictures from when I was eight, but then I don't have any more in my possession until I'm about eleven. Of course, I was nine and ten when I was at Mardi Gras. So, no pic, but I have over 200 necklaces and other things from parades to prove I was there. Because it's wild reputation is true, I only went to parades held during the day. And for some reason my parents didn't want to take all five of us (I was the oldest so the youngest was about two) so I only went with my friend Michelle.

I'm fascinated with Mardi Gras. I didn't know what it was about while we lived there, but a few years after we moved I talked to one of my dad's old coworkers who gave me the scoop on why it even exists. Mardi Gras is basically a big Catholic party to get all of your sins and indulgences out of your system to prepare for Lent, which is a 40-day period of sacrifice and self-denial that represents Jesus' 40 days in the wilderness. I'm just astounded at the mentality of "getting it all out". I guess it's no different than having a bachelor party or something like that. (Josh's bachelor party consisted of a few guys from church playing basketball and eating an ice cream cake. Whoo Hoo!)

So, the reason why Mardi Gras centers so much in New Orleans is because of the French Catholics that were booted out of Canada and relocated to Louisiana. Sad, but if you ever go to New Orleans and check out all of the great culture there, you'll appreciate it.

So go party! Just don't do anything I wouldn't do (I'm a married homemaker with four kids that doesn't smoke, drink, gamble, go clubbing, or...party. Good luck finding something to do!)

PS Just found a picture. It's not at Mardi Gras, but it is my brother JC and me at our house in New Orleans.


Merinda Reeder said...

I went to a Mardi Gras on Saturday Night - Jumbalaya, Gumbo, Catfish, Pralines, masks, beads, and other cajun veggies and salads and desserts. Bunch of Mormons, so the 7 of us liberally downed 6 bottles of Martinellis.
I love good cajun food, and I indulged like one ought on Mardi Gras. Better than Thanksgiving? maybe.

Lori said...

I did not know all that about Mardi Gras. I do remember the baby cake though. Is that the time of year mom would make that? I have a picture of us all at the swamp land stuff. You could've used that. Just stop by anytime and I'll show it to you!

colds1 said...

I too am fascinated by Mardi Gras and Lent and more than one year have given something up for the 40 days of Lent. I'm not always good about it though . . . 12 years ago I gave up guys for Lent. I had my first date with Kevin 2 days later and we've been together ever since!

Tara Dawn said...

I remember doing Mardi Gras parades at school-that was so much fun! And the king cake--yummy!!

Celine said...

I would so love to visit New Orleans one day!
It sounds and looks dreamy!