Saturday, February 14, 2009

'Fess Up Friday (Show And Tell)

Alrighty, people. Are we ready for this?

We're going to call this thing "'Fess Up Fridays". Yeah, I know it's not really Friday, but I'm going to try to keep this Exercise Talk to one day a week and my usual sarcastic, out of control rants the other six days a week.

Anyway, I've just completed Day 14 of my 90 day workout program. I feel pretty good. I missed yesterday (it was pay day and we got our tax return in--I love money!) so I made up for it by doing yesterday's workout this morning and today's workout tonight. I don't know if that's the smartest thing to do, but it needed to be done!

Here's my show: I took my measurements at the beginning of the two weeks and again tonight to check myself. So far I've lost about two inches total. You know, 1/4" here, 3/4" there. I also weighed myself last Sunday, but on my mom's scale. So, when I weighed myself tonight on my brand new scale, I realized that I really don't know what my actual weight loss is. But, if life is kind (which it never is) then both scales are accurate and that means that I've lost 3lbs this week. Hey, I'll take it no matter how improbable it is.

Now, the tell: Things I did well this week.
I'm so proud of us. We took the kids to a movie last night and didn't get popcorn! It was pretty tough, but I didn't stuff my face with buttery, salty carbs. Whew! Of course, somehow a bunch of Red Vine licorice found their way into the diaper bag, so I had to snack on those so they wouldn't feel guilty for sneaking into a movie.

Good thing #2. I've developed a habit of bouncing Millie when I hold her by doing butt-clenches. I know it sounds so stupid, but my fanny is getting into shape and my baby isn't so fussy. Plus, evidently I'm the only person allowed to hold Millie (according to her), so I get to carry an extra 9 or 10 lbs around with me. My left arm is getting stronger everyday.

Things I didn't do well this week.
We had ice cream for dinner tonight. Come on, it's Valentine's Day! We had a big lunch, so we weren't hungry enough for an actual dinner. Oh, it was good.

Okay, your turn. Anything to show or tell? What did you do well/not so well this week? We're going to try Mister Linky (Thanks to Tara for having these on her sites so I could steal the idea ;o) ) so add your blog if you have progress to share, or any website that you've found helpful or informative. Or just leave a comment. Whatever works for you!


Kayleen said...

I added you on my link list. Hope you don't mind, and please put me on yours! Can I steal your cartoon? I LOVE it!

Celine said...

Oh this is going to be so fun!
I'm sorry I missed the first fess up friday but I'll make up for it!