Friday, February 27, 2009

'Fess Up Friday

How's it going this week? Time to evaluate all of this "get healthy" crap we think we need to do in our lives. Okay, I'm a little ornery because my weight is the exact same as it was last week (down the the tenth), but the good news is that I've lost another 2". That's what it's all about. According to Dr Oz (yes, I've indulged in Oprah a time or two) it's our belly fat that is the most dangerous. Mine is slowly slimming, but quickly reforming. It's like I'm play-do and things are shifting more than I'm losing mass. Enough complaining...

I've been very diligent in watching my calories, since I'm nursing. It's still hard, but not as difficult as it used to be. Hamburgers don't do it for me anymore. Hooray!

I think the thing I like most about exercising is that I've got so much more energy. I feel really good (most of the time) and I'm reminded of why I always seem to get pregnant after I begin diligent workouts. ;o)

So, I'm thinking Mister Linky and I are not so compatible, so unless you really want him, he and I are breaking up. Instead, when you leave a comment mention you've got a post about weightloss and we'll all check it out. But I'd love for everyone to leave a comment of some sort. What's your favorite part of working out? What are your challenges? How are you doing with this whole life-changing thing? Why the crap did Dane get voted off of Biggest Loser? Dang!


Celine said...

We'll get there Shelly, we'll get there!
I'm off to do post on fess up Friday! :)
I have some stuff to confess! hahaha!

colds1 said...

Dane was voted off because they are still trying to play by their heart and not the game play way. If you want to win weigh-ins, you keep Dane. If you want someone to go home that will still lose, you send Dane home. Although, the girls could have been sending him home because of the threat factor, but their votes were all over the place so who knows. I want to know why they didn't tell us how much more he lost once he got home!

RNLambile said...

Okay, Fess up Friday again!!! This week was ROUGH!!! I did the work-outs ok, but the diet was all shot to heck this week. We ate out a lot, which is always a challenge. Though burgers just seem gross now, I over did it at the Mexican food restaraut. Anyway this weeks stats are somewhat disappointing. This week I only lost 0.4 pounds, yuck!!! But my body is totally reshaping. I have been working my chest, arms, and legs hard at the gym. So my measurements are a loss in the right arm, gain in the left. 1/2" gain in the chest, 1/2" loss in the waist. 1" loss in the hips, but over a 1" gain in both thighs. I am sure that this is muscle gain in the right areas and fat burning based on the look of my physique. It is still disheartening to have your overall measurements reflect a gain in size. 0.4 pounds loss is still better than 0 or a gain. Just keep telling yourself that Josh. Good luck everyone...hopefully you feel better about your week than I do mine.

Kayleen said...

I so didn't even exercise this week. I think that this is the best review of the week anyone is going to see for me this week... I'll do better next week.

Lori said...

Josh, just remember that muscle weighs more than fat!! I haven't been doing good at all this week. I was trying to eat more healthy and work out on my Wii Fit, but I did that for 2 months, and I was still so stinkin tired. It didn't give me any extra energy! That really disappointed me, so I've slacked off. It's bad, I know, but right now I'm thinking... what's the point. I feel more tired and I look exactly the same.

Tara Dawn said...

The comment I typed up previously didn't save for some reason. Just another example of wonderful this week has gone.

I didn't exercise at all this week. It's the first week in about 2 months that I haven't exercised at least twice. But, I had a lot on my plate. Ashton's been sick and not sleeping well, I've had to study for two exams held on campus, even though I am taking online courses, all 3 of my classes had regular assignments due this week, we had the Scout's banquet, I've been at work by 6:30am two mornings this week and I was just too exhausted to workout. Today is spent cleaning my house and doing this weeks laundry and putting away last weeks. Plus more homework.

In fact, I gotta go do some now. And I want to try to sneak in a shower before it gets too late in the day (it's already 1:00pm).

Jeri Dawn said...

Oh my, I haven't exercised in a long time. But it's nagging me and I am going to do something about it. The WIIFit wasn't doing it for me anymore. When I wasn't pregnant I started training for a marathon and it was the hardest thing I ever did. I got up to 12 miles before my hips gave out and I gave up. But I think back about those runs and even though it sucked, IT WAS SO AWESOME.