Monday, February 16, 2009

Kid Overload

I feel very scattered and burnt out today. Just about as messed up as the tie-dye pattern on my shirt. (It is sooo laundry day!)

Yesterday I had a bit of a rough time with my class in Primary. Primary is the kids' program at church. I assist with the Sunbeam class, which is the 3-year-olds that are turning 4 this year. Oh my. I have some talents that I'm very proud of and can call upon on a second's notice. Working with little kids is very much not one of them. My day finally ended at 3:30am when Millie finally quit crying and fell asleep.

Today wasn't much easier. I made us clean the whole house today. It's amazing how nice our house is when it's clean. But that's beside the point. Emma had a couple of friends over this afternoon. Talk about biting off more than I can chew. We had six kids in the house, five of which were running around everywhere. Luckily I "had" to go the store for a while this afternoon and Josh got kid-duty.

My point is this: kids are hard to deal with.

Abby has been saying for quite a while that she doesn't want to have kids. The other day she went on about how she wants to help people with their kids, but she doesn't want any of her own. I asked her why not? She told me that she doesn't want kids because she doesn't want them to talk rude and mean to her. I was thinking, "You know, it's not a prerequisite for kids to speak rude and mean to their mothers."

Matt, on the other hand, wants more attention, I guess. I was watching Nanny 911 (there was nothing else on tv, I swear!) and afterward I found Matt sitting against the wall with his knees up to his chest and his pants down around his ankles. Luckily, his underpants were still pulled up. I told him to pull his pants up. He looked at me and tried not to smile. He said to me, "No, call Nanny 9-1-1-1." I just laughed and hugged him (after making him stand up and pull his pants back up) and told him that he was a good boy and he doesn't need Nanny 9-1-1-1.

So, my big question is, What do you do when your kids evidently annoy themselves?
Oh, and despite my kid overload, don't forget to stop by Kidz for the Kick-Off Party. Every comment made this week is put into a daily drawing for some awesome prizes. Plus, there are tons of great ideas and stories. Just find the Kidz link on my sidebar of blogs.


Celine said...

Ugh! I'm sorry, that sounds like a rough day!
Aaaaah kids, gotta love them!!....when they're asleep and quiet! LOL

Lori said...

I'm so sorry that you had a bad couple of days. It doesn't help when you're already drained and then they get the day off of school. I was at Safeway with the boys yesterday and talking to one of the cashiers and she was saying that it's the hardest when they are acting silly. I just had to laugh and agree with her. And yes, they were acting silly and driving me crazy at the time.

Jabon said...

Wow, kids really can drive you nuts some times. From my point of view, there are two things that have contributed to my gray hair. One is kids, and the other is PMS. He he, now it is time to make my bed on the couch! ah ah ha ha ha he he snort! Love ya Tara Dawn~!

Tara Dawn said...

Yeah, laugh it up now, Jabon.

Shel, kids are weird but yours are the weirdest. It must be the unique combo between you and Josh. I can't wait to see them again! I just love those crazy kids!