Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Kidz Rule

My very good friend Tara has developed a blog set up specifically about kids with special needs and their families, as well as the many lessons we can all learn about life's challenges and our abilities to succeed.

Basically, here's the deal. Kidz is an incredible blog that has introduced me to some great new friends and I've read many stories of kids and their families with different challenges and struggles that all figure out a way to overcome them. And here's the thing--no matter how hard I think their lives are, all of the families have found happiness and strength and LOVE. It's really amazing. I love to learn about the different kids and their families and hope I can become as strong as they are.

One thing to know about Tara: I've lived with her. I know that when she puts her heart and soul into something, it becomes something of beauty. Kidz is truly her heart's work. This next week is a kick off party for her blog. Everyday there will be a drawing for some great prizes for anyone that makes a comment on the blog. If nothing else, check it out for the possibility to win some great prizes. But I think once you meet some of the kids she introduces to us and the different crafts and activities she finds, you'll be hooked.

Just to give you an example of the cool kids you'll come across, look at our own story about Matt. He was featured a few months ago.

So, to be introduced to some incredible kids, find ideas for food, crafts or activities, or to meet some awesome people from all over the world, go to Kidz. You won't be disappointed!

(I feel like Lamar Burton on Reading Rainbow, "But don't take my word for it...")


Tara Bennett said...

Any post with a Reading Rainbow post is obviously going to be a favorite of mine. Oh, and it's about me too. I have to admit, I got scared when you mentioned that you lived with me. I thought, 'Uh oh, where is this going.... synchronized clock obsessions? or worse - other dark little secrets that only my roomies know!?!?' Thanks for keeping some things private! ;o) Oh, and thanks for spreading the word about kidz. You. Are. Da. Bomb.

Tara Bennett said...

And by 'Reading Rainbow post' of course I mean 'Reading Rainbow reference.' Doh!

Celine said...

YAY for Kidz and Tara!
*off to google who that Lamar Burton is*

Marie said...

I found your blog along with others like Mindy Tech's on Tara's website. It was great to read about your life and especially to follow the link to kidz about Matt. What a story of strength. I just started a blog and will add you to my invites if you want. My e-mail is Just e-mail me your e-mail if you want.
Oh, this is Marie Dewey (Johnson now too.)