Saturday, February 7, 2009

Oh Bother

Today my laptop was compromised. Not by a hacker or a thief of any kind. But by my children. It's broken. Oh, so broken. I am sad. So very sad. I bought M&Ms and ate several of them. Several. I justified my gluttony with the facts that they were Dark Chocolate M&Ms and I exercised today. Sometimes life is just really kind of tough, no matter how pathetic it is.


Nana said...


Tara Bennett said...

Dark chocolate is good for your heart. And sounds like your heart needed some mending. Good decision on the gluttony.

Lori said...

Poor laptop. Oh poor laptop! It's terrible when things like that happen. Sometimes all you need is a little TLC. Tender Lovin' CHOCOLATE!

Celine said...

Awww, I'm sorry Shelly! :(