Friday, February 20, 2009

'Fess Up Friday

Okay, Friends. How'd it go this week? Did you exercise? Did you eat healthily? Did you sneak a bunch of M&Ms?

Here are some things I'm dealing with. If you have any suggestions, or just know how I feel, let me know.

#1: I'm having a hard time not eating after 8pm. It's become such a habit. The kids go to bed, the house is quiet, and I want to sit down with food. It doesn't really matter what it is, but usually something with sugar. I'm trying to cut this by chewing gum instead. I go through a lot of gum. I'm also trying to stop cold turkey, which is difficult. Any ideas?

#2: I have two strikes against me, body-type-wise. My cousin coined the phrase "Bailey Butt" since the Bailey women seem to be very obviously pear shaped. My grandmother on the other side of the family is very well endowed up top. Somehow I ended up with both sets of genes. I'm not pear or apple shaped. I'm considered "proportionate." Unfortunately, I'm proportionately overweight but my head is small. Remember Tommy Boy when Tommy is accused of robbing the bank at the end of the movie and the kid at the elevator says he's a real fat guy with a tiny head? This is how I feel.

#3: I learned why I shouldn't cut too many calories from my day. Our bodies try to stabilize themselves, so if you only intake 800 calories, your body will eventually only work off of 800 calories and your weight loss will plateau. The trick is to increase the caloric output with muscle confusion in your workout. I'm really thinking about getting P90X sooner than I planned since it does a better job of that than the original Power 90. Kayleen has been doing it for a while. Be sure to check her out.

So, my outcome this week. It is Day 20. I've lost 3 lbs this week and 3-4 inches. I'm down a pants size. And, Sunday three ladies at church told me I look so great already. I just had to add that in because it made me happy. Overall, things are going well and I just need to keep it up. I'm getting nervous for the week that I stall out a bit. Hopefully it won't happen for a while.

Be sure to go to Mister Linky and add your blog or a website that's helped you this week. Or, just leave a comment. Come on, 'fess up!

(By the way, Millie had a check up this morning. For those details, go here.)


Crisanne said...

OK Shelly! I'll totally 'fess up! I'm on day 30, and haven't lost a pound! This is getting just a little discouraging! My pants are just a tiny bit looser, I may have lost about a 1/4 in. off my waist. Bother! Now that I am in a good exercise routine I guess I have to start watching what I eat. I never can do both at once, I get too frustrated with being hungry. That being said, I realized that while I haven't done too poorly today, yesterday I made a small pan of rice-krispy treats. Hmm... did I share? Nope!!

RNLambile said...

Ok, time to "Fess Up!". I first weighed in on January 26th, so I'm not quite a month into my work outs and watching what I eat. I have had ups and downs, but my biggest challenge is work. I work these stretches of 7 to 8 12 hour shifts at night. Not a lot of healthy food is available to me at work and I never seem to bring the right amount of healthy snacks with me so that I can eat a little every 3-4 hours. So...needless-to-say last night (actually about 4:00am today) I ate a piece of Birthday Cake that was out in the break room. Yeah....that thick frosting made me sick as a dog for 3 hours and I totally felt guilty.

But my workouts are going well, especially the 3 to 4 hours I spend at the Snap Fitness three times per week. Today's weight and measurement reveals that in the 3 or so weeks since I've started I have lost 11.4 pounds and 3 1/4" overall. I have not gone down in clothing size, but my clothes fit better (I wore size 3X a little snug) and several co-workers have made comments that I look slimmer. If I can get over wanting to fall asleep after work and keep eating right I may be below 300 pounds for the first time in eight years very soon. Good luck to everyone!!! PS. Shelly, sweetheart, you look great and I can see such a difference in your energy and mood. Great job!!! Josh

Kayleen said...

Hooray for you! I totally bombed this week. It really sucks! One thing that helps, with eating, is measuring. If you have ever measured out 1/4 cut of m&m's you would know that it is A LOT more than you think, and I think that it is only 130cal. The gum thing is good, but I can only chew it for so long, and then I have a headache. Stupid TMJ. For me it really helps to count. And if you are nursing, I don't think that not eating past 8 is an option. I was always starving! Sounds like you are on your way!

Kayleen said...

Oh and p.s., I always remind myself that I am exercising to be healthy, not skinny... But maybe that is why the scale has not changed much. For me it helps ease my mind that my girls are not seeing me go crazy trying to loose weight, but that I am trying to be healthy....

Celine said...

I have been horrible this week...too much bread and cheese!
I don't even to weight myself! Ewww!

Tara Dawn said...

First, I have to say "Rock on, Josh!"

Second, don't forget, Shel, that you have to still be taking in extra calories for your milk. That is my hardest thing, right now. Making sure I am eating enough to produce enough milk for Ashton, while still limiting what I eat. Maybe if I snack on carrots instead of fruit loops it might be okay!

Third, I actually woke up and exercised before work 3 times this week! That is so hard for me, because I have to leave the house by 6:35 am. And for those that know me, they know I love to sleep!! I exercised a total of 4 days this week, but didn't see any difference in weight. I'm hoping I am gaining muscle. I notice one week I gain a few pounds, the next I lose it. I think I'm having a gaining muscle week, then a burning fat week. That's what I'm claiming, anyway!